Sunday, July 13, 2008

So the european championship is over. Now vienna feels like there has never been any event happened. Austria is really good in not taking any advantage of such a great spectacle. Personally i'm really uspet with the organisation of the euro, i think the whole thing couldn't have been worse,.. i mean at least it was rather calm so there was not much crime activity, which is nice, but a euro without the fans and people rather misses the point.

The following photos are non comissioned ones. I was shooting during the day for the graffiti project
and didn't have much time to take photos of fans except after work and i also could not change location, so it was more or less luck to be in fan in a fan aeria or not.

like noone would have believed it, turkey won against the czechs and made it into the 1/4 finals.

the turks simply know how to celebrate.. it was always the best when they won.

the next game i would have loved to document more but couldn't, was austria vs. germany.

of course we (austria) lost and germany kicked us out of the cup. but we're still the best at pissing on canvas.

he probably represents the austrian middle aged fan very well that night.

germany won with a free kick goal but rather did a bad job beside. so nobody was happy about the game.. there was nobody celebrating.. very strange for a euro..

i mean these people came straight from the stadium and it felt as if both had lost

more fans from the stadium in the subway

yawning was all you could do.

a shirt saying "everything ends" in a vienniese slang.. kinda true for that night.

then germany won against portugal. nobody wanted to believe it. probably the worst thing that could have happened, speaking about the attractiveness of the upcoming games.

next match:

croatia vs. turkey

the croats were pretty sure they'd win

but during the game it didn't look that clear anymore

guy with brasil shirt (wrong cup dude!), croats celebrating for no special reason..

guy eating döner kebap in between the croats

is this the end ? still no goal but people got more and more nervous

in the break the national television was interviewing the attractive part of the fans almost typical for huge sport events. balls and tits.

i walked over to the turks to have a look

but there was more action on the other side and i still believed the croats would win anyway.

the last minutes of the official time

90minutes were played, time to celebrate that both were still in the game..

the APA guys were doing their job

it was close to the penalty and it was still zero - zero. there was a turkish hairdressing salon right in the middle of the croatian fan area. i went inside to have a look.

then all of a sudden.. it was the last minute of the game the croats made their goal !

it was almost sure that this meant the victory for them

but somehow the turks managed to get the round leather thing into the net in minute 122 or something.. i didn't even realize what happened at first.

people were paralysed

then there was the penalty

and the croats lost it.

some bottles were thrown and some weird box was fired.

at the turkish side, there was mass hysteria.

there was no way to drive.

even the police was undercover

he took a break outside. it was the only thing you could do.. there was no place to drive

a celebrating croat !

a pissed croat !

so the turks played against the germans. half final !

official photographer checking the sky for rain.

turks being all positive before the game

watching on the powerbook

goal for the turks.. people were going crazy

the first drops.

it started to rain. people still watched the game outside, with

and without umbrella

i was only shooting at 1.4 and 3200 anymore..

the weather was so bad, the TV-coverage in almost whole europe was gone.

most of the photographers were escaping before the strom came. seems like their camera isn't worth a couple of nice frames ;)

so they could only pray without seeing the game.

then the apocalyptic weather joined us

most people were trying to escape.. i was trying to get some photos at 1.4 and 3200 in a strom like that.. the lens was covererd with raindrops.. autofocus didn't work anymore.

others tried to hide ?

she seemed to enjoy it

incoming phone call, probably trying to tell some updates about the game nobody could watch in TV anymore

two hardliners. i must say, i was a bit worrying about my camera at that time

so i tried to find some more dry place.

it was pissing down

i switched the place one last time and got my picture taken.

the camera and lens had to dry for some hours to fully work again and then everything went on as usual.

the weather didn't change much. the fan areas stayed empty.

so we went inside to watch the game russia vs. spain.

spain won and made it into the finals against germany.

the last game. finally.

this time the fan area reached its limit. this poor guy only could say good bye to his buddy

there were a lot of german fans and only a few spanish.. but every austrian was for spain anywere.. so it was 50/50 all together

the match was not going well for the germans

so they were hoping for the best in their flags

like i said. almost all spain fans were austrians in real.

but not even the final game was spectacular

there was nothing to be proud of.

then it was over. germany lost.

and austria was celebrating !?

boobs were always more intresting then the game

in the city, some people were left, not celebrating at all.

the german result of dreams 3:0 got updated to 0:1

for what reason was this picture taken of ?

he did the only right thing, getting real drunk.

they were not amused about people like me who documented this awful night.

some probably spend a lot of money to see their team lose.

others still were proud of germany

he will probably wake up some hours later, not knowing if he got that drunk becuase they won or rather because they lost ?

take "him" home. the trophy was meant.

you can always lose a game when you still have a girl to hug !

one of the official adverts by KIA saying "experience the emotion" right next to the very emotional german fans.

maybe 2 ballacks would have made it ?

the way out

i must say in the end i really don't care about the whole event, who had lost and who had won.. but it was obvious that austria was happy about germans loss in the final.. it's simply an evidence of incapacity that so many austrians were so gleeful about it, when their own team only shot one goal in the whole cup in a penalty that was rather a gift of the referee.


Anonymous said...

einer der einträge, der am meisten spaß gemacht hat seit du den blog schreibst. find ich.
hab viel gelacht, obwohl ich's ja schon kannte.
nette kommentare von dir.
boobs always were more interesting than the game ;)
und der orf-typ vor der mit den rausspringenden möpsen --> :roll:
und die deutschen vor "erlebe die emotion" haha. priceless. ein paar priceless schüsse.
und natürlich das superhotte wet as hell photo von dir. mal ein gutes foto von dem.
so, und jetzt schick den blogeintrag seinem arbeitgeber. do it!

Anonymous said...

mit abstand mein fav. wirklich schön

fr. said...

ich schließ mich der miriam an, was den unterhaltungswert betrifft, bin aber auch ziemlich beeindruckt, was man mit 3200/1.4 so alles machen kann, fantastische farben (von den motiven gar nicht zu reden). ich weiß wie dunkel es dort war, nachdem ich mir das kroatien spiel selbst gegeben habe. ich war auch etwas irritiert von den während des spiels nicht existenten türken.
schönen sommer, fr.

Jason Liu said...

excellent photographs. Your post processing is what I like most!

Anonymous said...

sehr geile fotos! wie miriam schon sagte: top unterhaltungswert!
sag mal, wie haste das im regen ausgehalten. es waren ja wirklich keine 2 tropfen. bernhards kommentar war ja: ab inne plastiktüte und beten.

recycled android said...

dude that has to be one of the best blogs from you i have seen, i love looking at the expressions on the peoples faces...

awesome photos!

Anonymous said...

best photo in your take. it says so much.

and fuck ... on tv it looked like it rained hard. guess it did!

Artis said...

well documented. and photos from the rainstorm - superb!

Anonymous said...

ja.. Hallo erstmal ;)
ich bin zufällig auf dise Seite gestoßen, eigentlich hatte ich nur nach einem ´Bernd das Brot´ Hintergrundbild gesucht! -lach-
ich muss gestehen, ich hab keinen blassen Schimmer von Fotografie und Kameras.. aber ich find deine Fotos einfach toll! ich bin geschlagene 90 Minuten an deine Seite gefesselt gewesen, habe ´die Emotionen erlebt´ :)
auch die Kommentare waren köstlich, ich will mehr von dem Stoff :P

PS.: für Rückfragen, etc.->

Anonymous said...

This blog makes me extra happy.

Long live street photography :)

Anonymous said...

deine Bilder gefallen mir sehr gut. Spontan, voller Leben und Bewegung, wunderbar.