Sunday, October 21, 2007

it's over soon. the army. it went pretty quick in the end. six month in green. the official last day as an austrian soldier is the 6th november but i think my last day in the army will be the 31st october. so ten more days.

rekr traxler, who had night shif that day. we met him at 6:30 in the morning. he was hoisting the austrian flag. that's what you have to do every morning when you had night shift...

my buddy reif and i had an intern challenge who's gonna have more beard after a week not shaving. it's fun, you know in the army you should shave each day. if you don't do and in the morning, when they check if everybody is present, wearing the right socks and stuff, they also have a look at your "shaving status".. so not to shave for a whole week in the army is almost impossible but we started to give a shit lately.

so, after we both haven't shaved for a week, we decided that we have to shave again, to avoid getting into any army-troubles ;)

we could even write with the beard that was collected in the sink.

daily business is starting.

this station is called "EKG" we prefer to call it "Ruhe-EKG" what would mean something like resting ECG. it's the ECG-station... we take our definition by word as you can see.

sometimes the station is full of recruits, sleeping on all kind of places, including myself.

just a still life. why did i capture it ? because this is what i see every day before the "check". behind that door there is our "drillmaster" ;) the sticker says "I'm a non smoker" and i won't start to explain the sticker above.. it's austrian army humor, not funny actually..

since the next generation of soldiers has allready arrived, we, the old recruits are not allowed anymore to stay in our rooms.. because it's now their rooms.. stupid i know. we still go up there to have a snack, cig or nap. that's also mainly the reason why we started to sleep in every avaiable bed in the stations instead of going up in our rooms to lay down there..

i really really love the army hospital. it has the image that if you go there because of a bee sting on your finger, they'll amputate your whole arm, to get sure...

so last entry was featuring reif with the ruffle, now it's reiter with the turban.. ain't it funny ?

everyday 2pm in the afternoon, is the most boring part of the day. we officially have nothing more to do. but we have to stay in the barracks till 4pm. so it's the time of "tarnen und täuschen" which means in short: everyone has to hide somewhere and stay quiet.

the next photo shows what we should NOT do. sitting around in the hall, because this is NOT hiding.. isn't that funny... damn it.

some tracks of history. it says "Heilsarmee" (salvation Army). i stumbled across this.. found that really intresting.

the obligatory none saying elevator self portrait.

beer can blues.

a streetshot ! whoa. a rarety. not a good one though..

this is my successor and i'm glad he's having success... since when everything works because he's correctly tought be me, i can go to sleep and let him work.

one more reason why the old recruits sleep all over the place.

i sticked an ECG-contact on his cheek.. he didn't wake up.. i had a good laugh.

this massacre happened in my courtyard. i think it was a falcon. i like them, they kill pigeons.

next day. it's about 6:25am. i'm going to the supermarked to buy me some breakfast. everyday i cross this wall with the two spotlights and almost everyday, there is this guy standing there. kinda creepy. so i took a photo once.

new day in the army starts. i'm lying in the bed, giving instructions to my trainee recruit. he's good and that's good for me too.

i found that scene cute .. or ?

there are three ash trays in the smoking cabine.. and they get emptied every day. all of them are full by noon, that should make us worry i think. glad i don't smoke cigaretts..

at the end of the station service.. we have to clean and desinfect the beds, machines and instruments. one day we found out how good this desinfection solution is burning.. it's still getting hot though, i let him wait till he couldn't hold anymore, then took the photo. too funny.

what does miriam think of all this ?

next day, we've gone shopping. a rope to enter a window in the second floor from outside. (long strory).. we've came across this hairdress saloon... that had installed a mirror outside, featuring three kind of (long hair) styles, where you could fit your reflection into, to have a look if it fits you.

we thought that it was pretty ridiculous.

wasn't able to take the photo correctly with the rangefinder though.. maybe with a slr it would work.

some rumanian friends staying over. we've been to the infamous "plutzer" bräu.. where bernhard and i had our "second living room" back in winter 2006. lot's of wasted money on booze.

back to the rumanians. they weren't sure what to choose from the menu. i found that scene cute.

later. still shooting trix@400, in the morgenstern. this is booze and lorant, ot is it lorant and empty glasses of booze ?

conversations at 4am.. i don't remember them, but there is a photo of it.

do girls or women laugh more on the phone than boys and men ? i've always wondered about that. can you make a difference if a girl/woman is talking to a girl/woman or a boy/man on the phone by her amount of smiling ? i doubt it.

on my way home. i've came a cross the schnaps museum.. that's something to print and hang somewhere in a pub or bar.

and i also met mirjam weichselbraun. isn't she looking retarded with that smile and these raindrops making her look even funnier ?

one last for the archive.

these were my last two rolls of trix. how bad is this ?

gonna get new rolls soon.



Anonymous said...

It seems the army drill is the same everywhere...

The best thing is to hide and sleep the day over.

Anonymous said...

ist das die kaserne beim messezentrum? also dort beim prater?

Dort war ich zur musterung... schrecklich.

Anonymous said...

In London we get pigeon's wings around the place without the rest of the pigeon. Still trying to work out the meaning of this..

Anonymous said...

really enjoyed reading this entry, good stuff!

travis blanston said...

i'm on my last roll at the moment. it's a terrible feeling. especially since i'm poor and can't afford much more. :|

Anonymous said...

Hah. Yeah, seems like army is the same everywhere. Hiding till the day is over is just too familiar :D

But what? You're saying slr works better on some hairstyle-mirror-kindof photo over ultimate rangefinder? I mean, is that really Severin saying that slr works better in some cases over rf? :D

I try to guess the next entry. Army is over ->Some parties, beer, not remembering and puke. Haha. :D

The only blog I follow regularly. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

this entry made me laugh numerous times severin! cheers to a brightened monday morning.

Artis said...

actually, found this to ba a very interesting insight to the boring daily life in Austrian army.
good to hear you gonna be free again.

cheers, slodier!

Anonymous said...

was treibst du denn in der Türkenstraße 3? Meine Freundin hat da mittlerweile auch Quartier bezogen im 4. Stock. Das Heilsarmeeding ist mir auch gut bekannt, ist glaub jetzt die Schwedische Botschaft drin :)


Anonymous said...

did you actually "do anything" in the army? we'll be in paris and amsterdam in the third week of november! you gonna be around?

Anonymous said...

nice stuff, the one with the disinfectant is priceless :>

Anonymous said...

enjoy freedom from now on!!

Unknown said...

Wow army almost over? What are you gonna be doing next then?

Anonymous said...

Today is the 1st of November... so I guess by this time you're more or less reliefed from your armyduty? Congrats! :)
They made for some interesting photos though! I love to see the "progression" of you in the army from the photos. It looked so tough in the beginning and then it started to loosen up, with everyone sleeping everywhere, disobeying rules and poking fun (the hands on fire! :D). Of course I'm not sure if it really happened like that, but it looks so - and it's fun to see.
All in all a very enjoyable entry! Very lightspirited and fun. Take care now you and send my love to Miriam.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed watching your photo's and reading the words between them, as always...
looking forward to your next post :)