Monday, December 04, 2006

the party. well.. it was cool. maybe the reason why the photos aren't the shit, because i wanted to party and not to shoot.. but i did a few photos, because i was asked to "document" a little..

i have had the lomo fish(shit)eye with me.. what a piece of crap camera.. damn it.. but still it works for these kind of shots... next time i'll get myself a 12mm/5.6 voigtlander on the M and a flash and will make much better photos..

nuff said.


shortly before the party started, there was a lecture and .. whatever. they had lights on. i liked how this man was wearing sunglasses inside.. kinda lagerfeld-style but who knows maybe his doctor told him to, let's be fair ;)

we somehow managed to build up a bar in our class with some nice lighting. congrats !

she did most of the organistion. looking happy that the party finaly started.. or maybe the projected flea-market slide on the wall made her laugh.. dunno..

holy 16er-blech hüsn. right ?

the lomo shots: we had 300liters of beer that got consumed in a few hours only. we never have had expected that.. it's kinda a funny thought to imagine 300 liters of beer floating around in the room in everyones stomache..

did i mention our cool DJs ? \m/

familiar face

our professor was cutting a dash behind the bar..

shake it baby

ps: everyone could chose his/her colour of the flash beforehand.. just to be fair, right..


developed a bit differently this time. better results but still not as nice as a trix+3

i told her that she needs to focus before she takes a shot.. but it was too late :D. i love it when i give my camera to others and they just release the shutter without changing anything..

may fav shot from that party.. we collected and counted all the money. it was fun.

party's over. sorry. well.. at least i finaly had enough light to shoot some useful frames.

we went to the next bar that was still open.. i kinda felt like him, since i was sick and drank 8 cold beer.. my voice was GONE.. and the next morning i didn't want to move out of the bed anymore.

the leftovers from that roll:


Anonymous said...

Hat die Frau auf dem letzten Bild was zu dir gesagt nachdem du sie fotografiert hast?

sev said...

nein. ich hab das photo gemacht. hab mich umgedreht und bin ausgestiegen

aber auch so.. hätt sie nichts gesagt.. es sei denn ich hätte ihr irgend eine art reaktion zukommen lassen

Anonymous said...

Ok thanks that's exactly how I'll do it then! (with the trix)
I will show you the results! Might get a blog for that...probably not fun when you are not known!

anyway! that's exactly it, when the party is fun... the photos are less fun! :)
some are good though!

flipo said...

urgs dosenbier ^^ aber eventl. schmeckts ja besser als unseres hier.

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing! lala~

Anonymous said...

I think from time to time fisheyeshots or something similar can be fun; not too often of course, but I like how it quite captures an intoxicated mood.

First photo is great, so is the one of the guy with the cig in his mouth, I think.

Anonymous said...

Do you ever get yelled at for taking ppl's pictures in public? (I ask b/c the woman in the last frame looks pissed..)

Anonymous said...

Kann doch garkein zufall sein das du immer das Helmet shirt anhast ...

Anonymous said...

At least you had a good time! I like the blurry photo of you (even if you didn't take it) nice pose ;)

Anonymous said...

I like the lomo shots they are great, just wierd and crappy in a good way :D

Anonymous said...

that last shot is ace. gave me the giggles :D

been looking for that 24/2 lense for a while. gonna keep an eye on that auction.
