Tuesday, March 04, 2008

so a friend asked me to take some photos at their concert.

so i did.

other photographer taking a break.

some friends of mine in the audience

backstage. i kinda like this one, as if they tried to hide by intention.

suddenly the vodka came. this time i had a camera to document !

the "i just had a vodka" face.

the "they just had a vodka but i didn't" face.

so we ended up drunk using the jiggers as glasses

which made my friends look even prettier !

so we fell in love and kissed

tobias managed to divide his cig in two, just like schef did a few weeks ago. everyone was amused.

almost like valentines day !

drinking a jigger of beer out of a special lady.

here it comes !

"gatschung!" down with it

since we had lots of free alcohol backstage, we thought we could continue having free booze outside.

it was actually "trash" of the brewery where the concert was happening.

lots of these cans were still intact though.. so we grabbed a few.

securities cought me but they let us go with all the beer.. "they once were young too.."

later next location. i promised to go there too. the badeschiff.. it's like a club in a boat.

hey there leonie !

the dj was djing and christina was singing.

we had some special dancers there.. deep in the music.

this guy didn't seem to care though.

max also on the turntables

rock it dude !

dj change.. some stoly action included.

i was nearly as wasted.. but i still could take pictures of people around.

kinda found this tree photogenic.

way home. more sheep counting people.

just a few hours later.. next party. nice view down there !

the magic balloon !

forgot his name but he asked if i will publish the party photos online.. and i said, only a few i like... first i didn't know why he'd ask.. but later i did.

conni trying to "kroch" aka jumpstyle... (not really)

i just like these colours there.

and a little amateurish break dance... just like thomas "der riese mit der kopfstimme" at germany's got talent.

they had 4 different chilis... hot one, vegetetarian, "spicy" one ;) and so on..

more posing.. i tried to avoid posting too much of these ;)

some less amateurish breakdance this time

more posing "over here !"

finally i could strike a pose, too - with this hot fella

this rebel without a cause was plastered with gucci and versace stuff.


milkabirne 2

serious looks over there

he's getting warmer

until he felt too hot

so he wanted to share his goods with us

reactions on the other side

silk snoopy boxers.. that's how you seduce the girls !

there is the proof

now he was the king of the dancefloor too

the light settings were just pimpin there.. in combination with the flash

party reaching its climax !

catching the flash of the other camera in the back.. looking cool i thik!

she had enough it seems !

artsy panning photo.

he did the cat there

somehow i started to miss our mr.striptease... then i found him there !

a bit of couchsurfing

we had to search our shoes like on every good party !

miriam taking over now.. describing the following events from her point of view.

we left the party in the morning, stepped into the elevator .. and the keys slipped out of severins hand - and into the gap between elevator and floor. after uncounted desperate trys to wake up the caretaker who supposedly lay drunk on a sofa in front of a tv bawling at full volume he tried to take the matter into his own hands. via climbing over the elevator's fence and slipping into the elevator's pit. the bottom was way too far down. the result was no key and a severin looking like a sea gull after a freighter overturned in front of it's beach.

the looks we got at 6 o'clock in the morning were.. interesting.

mind the gap!

sev again. so this happens when i take my camera with me on a weekend ;)

cheers !


kip keston said...
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Anonymous said...

i'm saddened you weren't wearing those very-popular sleeveless t-shirts you austrians love so much! ;)

hope you're well.

Sebastian said...

Na hoffentlich hast deinen Schlüssel wieder.

Das vom Lorant gfallt ma recht gut http://bp3.blogger.com/_hrIwoHYnxgA/R86iR_YwxfI/AAAAAAAAGJ0/iQHQs-8_Qw8/s1600-h/IMG_4957.jpg und der Baum http://bp1.blogger.com/_hrIwoHYnxgA/R82Jo4yHCVI/AAAAAAAAGFM/MjOWeoVmLRs/s1600-h/IMG_5182.jpg kommt gut, das Gemüse wirkt wie Fluchtlinien.

Noch vor einem Jahr wäre mir die Brauer unbekannt gwesen, jetzt sind dort soviel Festl .. Ottakringerstraße Klick-Klack Kopfschuss!

Anonymous said...

hmmm, obviously i have to visit the ottakringer-brewery again, at night!

looks like beer-heaven to me!

Anonymous said...

Really interesting photos, looked like a fun party!

I don't know how you have the confidence to take your camera with you on a night out though... I'm sure if I took mine with my I'd either lose it or it would end up broken!

Stelios said...

what's that yellow canned beer?

Anonymous said...

Na so ein Mist, diese Aufzug-Schlitze sind aber auch echt lästig. Kontrastreiche Fotos von der Party bzw. dem Konzert (ziemlich interessante Farben dacht ich mir im ersten Moment vorallem).. scheint nicht nur flüssig sondern auch sehr lustig gewesen zu sein ;)