Wednesday, September 05, 2007

didn't plan to post so soon again. but recruits keep asking me when they can see the portraits i've taken recently, so i'll post them now.

the idea was more or less portraying young austrian soldiers they way they are. no soldiers, with flawless shaved faces and perfect uniform, like how they army would want them be like.

using a flash and 20mm very close at f8.0, i was trying to go fussily into facial skin details, what reminds of the army philosophy and their rules. for me the expressions show boredom and demotivation, they somehow reflect my view and the view of most other recruits of the basic military service.

love this one: too funny...


Süper Eyali said...

very very nice project. I'm very impressed

angie said...

i see two trends here... big ears or big cheeks... is that wat it takes to be in the army? XD! just playing.. sad to here u won't be posting that ofter... i love seeing ur pics.

Anonymous said...

First thought what the hell? That kind of direct flash is pretty harsh and not very flattering. I thought Sev would know better. Then I read the text and yeah, you're justified. ;)

Anonymous said...

ich schaus mir zum dritten mal an und muss immer wieder lachen.super haufen

Anonymous said...

schon sehr lässig im prinzip...nur die schirchen schatten von ohren und haaren sind halt einfach zu auffällig! des schaut gar net gut aus leider!

Anonymous said...

the pictures somewhat resemble that kind of pictures you'd expect to have taken when you go to jail, without the card with the numbers on it in front... =)

well done. nice work on that series.

Anonymous said...

Interesting set of portraits. I really like the short introduction to it and I think you succeeded in your intentions. It's cool that you added a portrait of yourself in it too. Doesn't make you a photographer in an observing/detached position, but an active participant, which is the case of course since you are a recruit too and really act out your personal feelings towards the army via these photos.

Anonymous said...

geniale serie! der blitz und die dunklen schatten geben den fotos mmn einen viel persönlicheren aspekt als wenn du sie 'professionell' gemacht hättest - einfach nur geil.

Sebastian said...

nette serie. passt gut zum bh <3. mir kommts vor du bist auf den fotos noch der motiverteste, aber vielleicht bild i ma des a ein. das ganze letzte im kompletten dunkeln is großartig :D

Anonymous said...

veryvery good portrait series. to clear a popular misunderstaning: photographic technique is not about making every photo look perfect, but about making it look how you want it to look. if the look you chose fits your intention, and the technique you used produces that look, than you can call yourself a good photographer. after following your blog over the last few months i would call you a great photographer. that series is simply the "i-tuepfelchen". hopefully you make something out of your skills in the future. lg aus wien, flo r.

Ciril Jazbec said...

fantastic! i love this series! well done severin! ;) i hope you are well. regards from slovenia. ;)

Ana Banana Angel said...

i like how i see in every single image something unique, yes they are different guys so it should be something unique but i dunno i feel somehow comtempt with it..
good work.