kinda funny how i/we've been going out almost every day since a week without any particular reason.
the following photos are trix@2000 again.
endstation "grillbar".. a place for weird people, i had like 5 curry-saussages there in the last week ..
i'm really proud of this frame, focus, exposure, composition, moment.. for being drunk it turned out great ;)
a guy trying to sleep.
we were playing cards. they shared the win, since they had the same hand. i like the photo even if i just wanted to document the tie.
i somehow emptied schefs beer.. so he poured(sp?) some of mine into his glas and forgot about the foam (lol)
lorant was out first :P
this is how i won. we both had a full house, so actually a tie.. the only card that could have changed that was the last "2".. i don't know the possibility for it but i think it's 9% or something.. it was funny to win so luckily :D
m for markus and e for expression. one of my best portraits in the morgenstern, negative wise.. not the best place to take photos ;)
1/4th here. everytime i take photos with that shutterspeed, i take a second one to be sure to have a non blurry one.. most of the times i can't make a difference but it's funny that it's often the first photo that is sharp.
really liking this one (also tonewise). trix is just great material.
something stuck in lolas head..
loving the dogs expression :D
after we had enjoyed some "intoxicant(s)" we started to get entertained by this thing.
i can only say "YEEEEEEAHHHHHHHH"
someone at flickr asked me if i expose the trix on 2000 only in bad light situations or also when i have "enough" light...
i expose it on each frame >>correctly<<>
so there i had f2.8 1/125 exposed on 2000iso (+ND8 filter = -3ev > 250iso) developed 17:30min 20C° xtol 1:1 3x/30s movement.
i'm really proud of this exposure guess ;)
miriam and her contacts..
here i've used the ND again, to make the 2000iso a 250.. so i had f2.8 1/1000 instead of f8 1/1000. makes sense eh ?
the following photos are trix@2000 again.
endstation "grillbar".. a place for weird people, i had like 5 curry-saussages there in the last week ..
i'm really proud of this frame, focus, exposure, composition, moment.. for being drunk it turned out great ;)
a guy trying to sleep.
we were playing cards. they shared the win, since they had the same hand. i like the photo even if i just wanted to document the tie.
i somehow emptied schefs beer.. so he poured(sp?) some of mine into his glas and forgot about the foam (lol)
lorant was out first :P
this is how i won. we both had a full house, so actually a tie.. the only card that could have changed that was the last "2".. i don't know the possibility for it but i think it's 9% or something.. it was funny to win so luckily :D
m for markus and e for expression. one of my best portraits in the morgenstern, negative wise.. not the best place to take photos ;)
1/4th here. everytime i take photos with that shutterspeed, i take a second one to be sure to have a non blurry one.. most of the times i can't make a difference but it's funny that it's often the first photo that is sharp.
really liking this one (also tonewise). trix is just great material.
something stuck in lolas head..
loving the dogs expression :D
after we had enjoyed some "intoxicant(s)" we started to get entertained by this thing.
i can only say "YEEEEEEAHHHHHHHH"
someone at flickr asked me if i expose the trix on 2000 only in bad light situations or also when i have "enough" light...
i expose it on each frame >>correctly<<>
so there i had f2.8 1/125 exposed on 2000iso (+ND8 filter = -3ev > 250iso) developed 17:30min 20C° xtol 1:1 3x/30s movement.
i'm really proud of this exposure guess ;)
miriam and her contacts..
here i've used the ND again, to make the 2000iso a 250.. so i had f2.8 1/1000 instead of f8 1/1000. makes sense eh ?
party hard my friend .. ab mai ist die schöne zeit ja erstmal vorbei ;)
1/4s ist irgendwie zu heftig ...
How are you finding focusing with the ND filter on? Is it real dark in the viewfinder, or not to bad?
ich find, die brille passt dir nicht
i'm shooting with a rangefinder ;)
Oh not the oly?
sag mal - wie schaffst du es, mit 1/4s belichtungszeit SCHARFE bilder zu bekommen? du musst ja eine verdammt ruhige hand haben (weil einen IS hat die kamera sicher net ^^)
achja, und die brille is super^^
ah finally new entry! since this one ill be not only admiring but also trying to learn from you. carefully studying photos... long walk before me... but im happy to have a spiritual master! :D thank you for sharing your passion and thoughts :) best regards from poland!
[PS. sorry for such strange 'since this one' -- you maybe wonder why since this; it's because i'm totally disappointed with my photos, after a few weeks ago i started to 'shoot streetphotography' because of the feeling macro and landscapes are sooo boring ;/ ]
anyway, cheers and sorry to bother you ;)
du musst mir auch mal print unterricht geben wie dem sebastian...hab mir grad einen vergrößerer zugelegt, aber wär echt eine ehre ein bissl was vom meister zu lernen. hab leider gar keine erfahrung. und du hast sicher ein paar tips die nicht in der ilford-anleitung stehn...
Well... Le Koller method just dont work with me. Probably its my fault, i dunno.
We share the same birthday. Hurray...
I really dont know were you get the time for party + developing + scanning + posting + Miriam + whatever...
also *i can only say "YEEEEEEAHHHHHHHH"* ist ja mal wieder obergeil :D haha .. und das erste, das passt auch alles perfekt .. also wenn da voll warst, respekt ;)
ansonsten .. scheint so als ob der poker abend nett war, .. hoffe ich komm auch bald mal wieder zu einer runde, .. letzte is schon wieder gute 3 wochen her.
achja, hab jetzt paar fotos von unserem wien besuch online .. aber vorerst nur das digitale zeug, .. muss die zwei filme erst entwickeln, die folgen dann hoffentlich bis mittwoch nächster woche.
ever shot the TriX @ 200ASA??? came out a bit flat to me, not much contrast but the tones where there and it was printable...
man where do you get the time for all this ?
Where was the poker when I was there!!
I've got to get an electronic timer before I get the chance to develop some Tri-X - at the moment I'm drawing a line on a piece of paper as each minute passes but sometimes i draw a line after 30 seconds - fortunately I've noticed every time so far.
Some good stuff once again. Just nice random hanging out photos, I like that. I like the photo of the guy on the Vespa too, his expression is funny. Love the las one of Miriam too.
hooray red hot chili peppers!
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