Monday, March 19, 2007

trix normal.

hipshot 1

hipshot 2 (he is looking in the camera.. i like that. turned out crazy good. spot on focus f2.0 and exposure 1/30)

hipshot 3


Anonymous said...

hip shots are sweet...I'm addicted

Gonzale said...

love the ladies' feet one... great.

Anonymous said...

don't see why you say that hipshot2 turn out crazy good...

Kira Kletsky said...

i was wandering,since you're extremely productive with what you do.How many frames per roll would you consider as "aces" and what are you criterias for them?

Anonymous said...

bei vielen fotos denk ich mir halt "so, naja, eh okay..." aber manchmal, so wie mit den dicken füssen der dicken frauen...wirklich gutes auge für solche situationen du hast!

Anonymous said...

ah well.. im a quite regulay visitor here but usually dont left comments ;) like ur stuff... found this blog once via deviantart by accident ;)


Anonymous said...

@henri: hipshots usually lack something. be it composition or straight angle in most of the times.. i just like the photo this time on most parameters. exposure is pretty good, print-able for me, composition and angle.. for me one of my best hipshots, also because the guessed focus distance is spot on.

@kira: "aces" are those i print. i post them on flickr.. it depends.. sometimes i have 5 on a roll sometimes none on 5 rolls.. can't say.

usually an "ace" one is a negative that takes me 5min to print and only one try and it's perfect. so exposure and developement must be good so that i can use grad 2- 3 filters for printing. of course the content counts too.. so it should be technically very good and content wise intresting to some degree, like just worth to print.

Anonymous said...

I think the hipshot no.3 and the floating feet are really great shots.

marius said...

the woman on the bench, dangling their feet is such a great capture.

Adam said...

nice frames man, love the hipshots! wish i had your negative scanner, and your enlarger

Anonymous said...

welche ubahn ist das am 3. bild?
der/die jenige an der wand-lehnende, sieht stark nach mir aus. katastrophe!

Anonymous said...

err. korrektur.
viertes bild.

Anonymous said...

u4. zwischen kettenbrückengasse und margaretengürtel um etwa 19:30 oder bissl später. war glaub ich mittwoch letze woche.. :D

Anonymous said...

You're posts are always nice but it feels like you're work has stopped progressing.

Yes you get great tones and you're negs are developed very well and you're printing is improving, but the actuall content of the photo's seems to be very similar post after post..

Drunken low light bar snaps of you're friends, street photos of people sleeping on trams etc

This post saw something refreshing from you at last with the frame of the legs at the bus stop, but recently i have begun to loose interest in you're posts.

Im not critiscising you're work just a long time fan who whats to see some more progression from you! :)

Anonymous said...

naaaaaa. das kann ich dann nicht gewesen sein! u4 kaum, oder nur zwischen spittelau und heiligenstadt. sonst u2 und u6.

aber das ist meine mütze. und meine jacke. solche gfraster!

Anonymous said...

@fergus.. i understand what you mean but your critic is on the wrong place.. this is a blog, it's supposed to be a non-selected mass of pictures, sometimes there are a few better and sometimes not.. it's not my gallery or portfolio and that's why i like a blog, just because i can submit whatever i want..

the last post is only different because i didn't have any material than that which i could show, because the rest is private.. so i only showed 5 photos and then it's clear that the post seems better, because it seems more selected.

if you want to see more selcted work, you can go on my flickr for example.. soon or later i'll have my own portfolio online..

Anonymous said...

@Sev That makes sense, i did loose the whole point behind the blog thing.

I also have been trying to get some sort of portfolio online, but finding the time is proving to be near impossible.

Cheers from sydney.

MJ Sandhe said...

hey I just got linked to your DA...whyd you get banned?

Anonymous said...

amazing images as always sev, just love the trampoline stuff, really very quirky.

would be a real asset if you came and posted here again

reading through some of your critique there from a year or so ago, is just great. you've grown incredibly as an artist!