Sunday, January 21, 2007

EDIT: so the street contest of DEVIANTART went to one of these who "joined" DA after the contest, submitted the contest deviation and left again with zero activity at all.

good job hahah..

developed this trix+3 tonight.

on the way to the darkroom, i saw this man already from far distance. it looked scary, it looked like a headless man, until i came closer and saw why.

erwin wurm made a conducted tour through his exhibition in the MUMOK for students of our class.
don't ask me, i was confused.. i just took the photo.

lorant and i went to the morgenstern, where a party was going on.. so we joined..

good old digital vs. analogue battle.

sorry dude, not my type of guy..

most of the time, we were playing table soccer.. like these dudes.. what a happy drunken bunch of people :D

she'd be more my type of..

the birthday boy right in the middle.

gotta print this one.. awesome shirt and light.

~5am. way home. first subway.

guy with dog. if i remember right, he calls himself "matrix".. but i could be wrong. slight double exposure on the right :\


flipo said...

sehr geile sachen dabei ..wobei mir das erste am besten gefällt.

dienstag sollte mein scanner da sein dann kann ich endlich mal genau gucken was so auf dem tri-x ausm morgenstern drauf ist ^^

grüße auuus berlin

Anonymous said...

That's a hella of a blog...

leica user?

sev said...

yes, m6 atm.

cheers !

Anonymous said...

Yeah man, we all think that contest was pretty fucked up. Chris is definitely getting an earful about it. It really is bull shit. Anyways though, hope all is well. It's been a while...I've been busy as hell, as I'm sure you have also. Later man.

Anonymous said...

So the Leica and summicron is still doing fine? You are one lucky man, you and your rangefinder! Damnit.
The photo of the guy being measured is... the kind of photography I love :D

Anonymous said...

wieder mal sehr nette sachen dabei :)

Anonymous said...

>guy with dog< gefaellt mir am besten :)

lg. michaelb

Anonymous said...

was war dein persönlicher fav von dem contest?
Naja viel aufregen nützt nichts, trotzdem eine Frechheit.

Anonymous said...

Last frame is a cracker

Anonymous said...

I had a funny thought.

This deathiations writing on Chris' journal... Writing from a new and empty account, was kicked out of da, owns a leica m6, street photography contest was the only interesting thing in da...

It must be you Sev :D