Thursday, December 21, 2006

been to graz with my class a while ago. it's the second biggest city in austria. if you can call that "big".

it was the last day i remember when the sun was shining.

as always, matthias was obsessed with photos of our class.. well, i'm not different, ain't i ;)

peter dressler, the featured artist of the gallery "camera austria" was talking about his work and life. he is a really awesome character. one of the good vienniese ones ;)

i always wondered why the "kunsthaus" graz has so many toilets, but it's better than having too few.

and their washroom is huge too ! ;)

anatoli. soon a leica owner.. and it's all my fault ;)

caroline discovered some, how to say, personal funny photos on her 350d.. i think we all know that situation ;)

she didn't show us.. unfortunately :P

i don't take photos of artworks usually.. but this one, i just couldn't resist.. i just want to know what it looks like on a print.. won't make it public though and if, i'll have to give credit.

sometimes, the only reason for a photo is a situation and here it is just a black and white situation.

discussing with our professor about the concept of modern art, now you can imagine how far this can go. i love the architecture of this building (kunsthaus graz) it is INCREDIBLE.. i tell you.

i had to stop here. i love having a closer look on these photo-studios at the corner. it feels like browsing DA's artistic nude or classic portrait... :D

back home. testing the 50/2 for a portrait. i think it's very useful for spontanious portraits. i'm more satisfied than expected with that lens. i've planned to sell it again before i bought it for a good price, but now i will keep it.

something technical. i must say, i'm very impressed of the tonal range of a trix pushed 3!! steps. there was much contrast difference in this frame but the film managed to keep it all together even pushed so much ! this film is just ace !

the new 50/2 is very useful for still lifes, because of the new closer focus possibility.

have a closer look! the baby above is checking me out ;) that's one of my current fav photos i must say.

just like this one:

he smiled after i took the photo. i should have captured his smile too.. shooting with 28/1.9 here, testing it for linus who bought one just a few days ago.

50/2. it's charming.

look at it. that's the last photo of this camera. he is now a M-user. congratulations, well.. i knew it from the start ;)

28/1.9 again:


a friend and i went to school after 3 years again. was fun to meet old teachers again.. damn how i do NOT miss high school.

the mentioned friend. i told him a story of one of our former class mates, who made a salto.. or just tried and failed and lost some teeth... well that's his reaction, the only fitting reaction:

this clock has been there for years. it's quite popular, since it's close to my former high school.. everyone knows it. someone should frame it, before they rebuild the pavement ;)

a lady, getting a phone call, in all between her shopping. hipshot.

people trying to get your money for WWF.

please give me your money, please !

last shot with linus 28/1.9. this is a test of possibilities. 0.7m minimal focus distance, f1.9, 28mm, trix 1/60th. this lens does a very good job for it's price.


flipo said...

Hat Leica Österreich nicht noch ne Stelle im Promotionbereich frei ? ;)

Schöne Bilder aber echt schade das Linus soviel Stress mit seiner Bessa hatte. Meine läuft soweit gut *gottseidank*

20tage noch bis zum wientrip ^^

Kira Kletsky said...

your train drivers series is superb!
it would be so damn cool to see their reaction if you gave them a print for christmas;)

enjoyable post as usual.

Anonymous said...

What camera is he replacing his Bessa with?

The shot of the guy putting his hand to his face is superb.

sev said...

mr.apixx, nicht böse sein.. aber du schreist ja förmlich nach einer antwort.

würd mich interessieren was du als fetter kratzer definierst. ich weiß jedenfalls dass man keinen von denen auf einem abzug sehen wird.

ja, auch du kacke, mir ist mein film am boden gefallen.. weltuntergangs-alarm

bitte unterlasse es immer nach irgend einem unwichtigen scheiß zu suchen den du "kritisieren" kannst.

du kannst eher von mir lernen als umgekehrt, umso lächerlicher ist dein verhalten.

ps: der toiletten schuß ist so ziemlich der langweiligste und einfachste von allen die ich hier gepostet habe.. aber naja, darf dir ja trotzdem gefallen ;)

Anonymous said...

das foto von dem alten herrn in der straßenbahn, ist wirklich, wirklich gut ;)

Anonymous said...

I like the stuff off the 50/2 what set up did linus get?

sev said...

linus got an M6 ;)


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, some great observations here once again. The b/w situation, the arrows, your professor photographing (:

Ha and in that second last shot of the WWF beggars it looks like he's pickpocketting her :P

Anonymous said...

Those negative scans look great. Do you use a dedicated film scanner such as the Nikon VED? or a flatbed?

sev said...

@ian: i scan with nikon coolscan V ED

i'm responsible for my negatives, not a lab, that's possibly the reason for their cleanness.

Bloom said...

Gotta love that washroom. I feel sorry for the car =( Happy New Year btw.

Adriana said...

ZARA, surprised to see that shot but loved it even more.

I enjoy looking at your blog.

Anonymous said...

Ehrm, Siemenstern ist doch keine Kunst - sondern zum Einstellen des Auflagemaßes an PBKameras. Aber das weißt du ja - oder?

//Klugscheißerei out!