just developed some bw-films today. first leica/35cron impressions. some scans:
i tell you. some things are MADE for b/w photographs..
trix+3 in xtol 35mm@f2.0 1/30th
and others are made for colour photographs. (agfa ultra 100 here... holy moly) 35/2@2 1/15th
more bokeh-madness:
and other madness..
or "weirdness" (ultra again)
and, of course, wideness !
quite my favourite frame (reminds me of a zortshot)
she asked for a photo and gave me her email, damn, i forgot my axe-clicker that night ;)
and then she took a shot of me. she really wanted so hard
the only problem is. that it is a rangefinder. every photo "looks" in focus.. well.. :D
crazy-tob being emo
some girls being "indie". they are so indie that they even don't need new shoes !!
here i cought 5 deviants at once, i must have superpowers
magic-medicine, the-coxi-the-me, natashalyonne, crazytob and nufm (gesundheit!)
leica ownz
i tell you. some things are MADE for b/w photographs..
trix+3 in xtol 35mm@f2.0 1/30th
and others are made for colour photographs. (agfa ultra 100 here... holy moly) 35/2@2 1/15th
more bokeh-madness:
and other madness..
or "weirdness" (ultra again)
and, of course, wideness !
quite my favourite frame (reminds me of a zortshot)
she asked for a photo and gave me her email, damn, i forgot my axe-clicker that night ;)
and then she took a shot of me. she really wanted so hard
the only problem is. that it is a rangefinder. every photo "looks" in focus.. well.. :D
crazy-tob being emo
some girls being "indie". they are so indie that they even don't need new shoes !!
here i cought 5 deviants at once, i must have superpowers
magic-medicine, the-coxi-the-me, natashalyonne, crazytob and nufm (gesundheit!)
leica ownz
flex eben...
hat gefallen :D
wieder sehr schöne fotos - ich frage mich nur wie du dir immer diese leicas leisten kannst. luxus bitch!
bin ja gespannt wann wir uns mal im/vorm flex treffen. morgen abend bin ich eh vorort, mal sehen...
liebe grüße,
felix (http://unprofessionals.deviantart.com/
achja: nette photos, vorallem das mit den schuhen find ich ja sehr genial!
Danke sehr an den Webmaster.
Gruss Nadine
Danke sehr an den Webmaster.
Gruss Nelly
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