Tuesday, August 01, 2006

just another evening. shooting digital after a while again. (other, not stolen) markII + 28/1.8 most shots between 1600 and 3200 1.8 - f2.5 and 1/10 - 1/100 exposure time. i have also shot a roll neopan 400+2 with om1 and 24/2 from 1/8th - 1/30th that night.

here we go.. the magic beer bottle, inspired by figo the only nazi cat out there..

i bet you didn't know, one of my cameras has a butterfly on it ! ;) bought it like that, i tell you this camera will be worth 1000nds of dollars one day... ^^;

miriam did a good job on manual focus there ;) 1/13th at f1.8 3200iso is quite the uber dark i'd say

took this one as we left. that's the location where we had some beer and spend some time.. quite fun ! someone left his/her umbrella there. first day with rain since ages.. i have the same shot with the oly on b/w, will see what looks better

on the way home we came across this !



i also tried it. without success..

almost home at the station.. i once took a photo there. it was my first DD on devart.. if you remember ;)

it immediately reminded me of this photo:

my last one from tonight

and now. good nat !

ps: to all deviants out there ! there is a new stamp that should not miss in a well rounded collection of passionated stamp-collectors !

see it yourself:
you can find it here


flipo said...

Mir is gestern ne OM-1 in letzter Sekunde in der Bucht durch die Lappen gegangen ^^

Schöne Bilder wobei mir die Bierflasche & Coladose am meisten gefallen. Miriam is auch nett aber da hast schon bessere Bilder gemacht.

rock on

Nana said...

ya I agree with the rest of the guys

Miriam is beautiful!

Bet you've already know dat ;)

Thanks for sharing your pictures here

Nice to see the world from others point of view

Specially from great photographer like u :)