back from germany.
on a weekend around the 20th a few friends and i made a double-barbeque.. yeah twon in a row.
haven't developed any b/w films yet though i have colour-scans.
so here a few shots taken with agfa ultra and fuji reala, leica m6 and summicorn 35/2
(ps: my lab fucked the reala so i decided to go for b/w with this one)
if you wonder... that's not me making a peace, but a huge snake on my back.
if you'd only knew what an evil mind was behind that cute smile !
i know i won't ever be a feet-model... but i couldn't resist taking this one, you can also cover ugly feet with finger on screen. why must feet look so ugly anyway ? dear god.
linus walked over a bee that day. he KILLED it ! murder... gschiet dir schon recht.. he used pink ice to lighten the "pain".
next day i showed off my new d&g glasses in my cerutti bath robe. leica+ultra+linus. thanks
we played this game where you get a name on your head (which you obviously can't read) and have to guess who it is. by asking questions that can only be answere with yes and/or no. that moment he was clueless what a hot bunny he was actualy.
now to my favourite shot. hommage a elliot erwitt. all feet in the air-dog shot, if you know it. "lurchi" the dog was saying good bye to the countryside.. but got blown away by the wind. what a funny cute scene haha.that dog enjoys everything it seems. back on the way home
it began to piss down.. Ina grabbed her things out of the car boot.. and even found the time to "smile" for the photograph.. i love when that happens in shitty situation. cramped smiling faces haha. 5 minutes later rain stoped. kismet.
oh and yeah. i've been to germany. wiesbaden to be accurate. that's the most beautyful thing they have there, i was told. (well beside my girlfriend ;))
a city where feminism was born.
see !
and they know how to party !
and at last. a little sneak preview to tease you a little.. next entry will feature photos from the folklore festival 2006. will develope my b/ws from there over the weekend.
ps: to quote zort: "leica"... leica.
on a weekend around the 20th a few friends and i made a double-barbeque.. yeah twon in a row.
haven't developed any b/w films yet though i have colour-scans.
so here a few shots taken with agfa ultra and fuji reala, leica m6 and summicorn 35/2
(ps: my lab fucked the reala so i decided to go for b/w with this one)
if you wonder... that's not me making a peace, but a huge snake on my back.
if you'd only knew what an evil mind was behind that cute smile !
i know i won't ever be a feet-model... but i couldn't resist taking this one, you can also cover ugly feet with finger on screen. why must feet look so ugly anyway ? dear god.
linus walked over a bee that day. he KILLED it ! murder... gschiet dir schon recht.. he used pink ice to lighten the "pain".
next day i showed off my new d&g glasses in my cerutti bath robe. leica+ultra+linus. thanks
we played this game where you get a name on your head (which you obviously can't read) and have to guess who it is. by asking questions that can only be answere with yes and/or no. that moment he was clueless what a hot bunny he was actualy.
now to my favourite shot. hommage a elliot erwitt. all feet in the air-dog shot, if you know it. "lurchi" the dog was saying good bye to the countryside.. but got blown away by the wind. what a funny cute scene haha.that dog enjoys everything it seems. back on the way home
it began to piss down.. Ina grabbed her things out of the car boot.. and even found the time to "smile" for the photograph.. i love when that happens in shitty situation. cramped smiling faces haha. 5 minutes later rain stoped. kismet.
oh and yeah. i've been to germany. wiesbaden to be accurate. that's the most beautyful thing they have there, i was told. (well beside my girlfriend ;))
a city where feminism was born.
see !
and they know how to party !
and at last. a little sneak preview to tease you a little.. next entry will feature photos from the folklore festival 2006. will develope my b/ws from there over the weekend.
ps: to quote zort: "leica"... leica.
LOVE the last shot!!
Nice account,
and she looks insane with the axe!
der eintrag ist herzerwärmend. wirklich. ich sitze hier und lächel obwohl mein freund seine zeit lieber in einer dunkle stickige stinkende kammer verbringt als mit mir.
und linus hat nie sexyier/mehr sexy ausgesehen.
wenn linus das liest: DU SEXY BIEST *rrrrrr* *indererdescharr*
sofern du den reala beim cyberlab entwickeln hast, ist dir nicht zu helfe, hab dir ja gesagt, dass sie dort meinen vorletzten verschissen haben - ist ja auch nur ein minilab und kein problab wie beim leutner. eierbaer. :P
haha, der ultra ist nichts fuers summicron - farben gehen einfach zu sehr ab. bin schon irre auf den nps gespannt, weil das wetter hier defakto konstant bewoelkt ist und ich bezweifle, dass das einem portrait-film gut tut. whatever. bis bald.
I met Erwitt once... he was a cool, interesting guy. Did you bark at the dog after taking the photo? Aprently that's what he likes to do.
Good stuff.
nothing makes a good photo like a pile of semi-nude germans..
Your new d&g glasses are teh shit! :D
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