Wednesday, May 02, 2007

long time no see !



sebastian lighting a cigarette in complete darkness ha.

i got inspired to buy new shoes that moment.

poor people that smoke look like him !

already drunk. 2am morgenstern closing.

so where to go ? ZIPP aka ZIPF ! correct ! what a hole.

nice "mirror".

after the ZIPP.. 4am or something. sebastian being really drunk.

that's why he kissed the floor.

his camera hit the ground hard.. so he had a look. i think nothing happened though.

he ordered a kebab (dürum) and wanted the kebabguy to make it really hot.. please have a look on the kebab-guys expression while he made the durum really hot :D

and here the reaction. it was really spicy i think. took a cab home, what


found that kinda lovely/funny.

meet julio


i hate these rats with wings.. but this scene was so calm, i liked it.

nice light. i like the tones and contrast here, unlike grumpy bernhard ;)

ps: plusx 7:20min in xtol 1:1 20C° 3x/30s mov.

austrian beer still life.

more (misspelled) culture

remember him ? he remembered me i think.. i have taken a few photos of him already. always with foreign young women. what a womanizer :D

some art happening. they stayed like that for half an hour.

last frame. waiting in front of the university. i almost felt like a "real" student. you know the freedom, the spirit... this is university livestyle..

apx100 starting here:

friends of lorant looking at contacts. i think they didn't understand my humor. so i shut up and shot photos.

lorant. hm. good tones eh ? bokeh too..

the 5 is missing..

testsieger-baby at emanzen-lab austria :)

two dudes on a road trip ? :D

meet claudia

here is tobias. with some hair less. we met at about 7pm.

and two more


i bought some new shoes. the problem about new shoes is. they look totaly shit. they glow. had to take a picture before i draged them into mud.

a schef expression

feet again

we went to the morgenstern at 9pm. left at 4am.

this is the owner of the morgenstern. matthias. we've been walking around (it was thursday) at about 4:30 and tried to find a bar that was open.

so we took a cab to the flex.

first impression at the flex. 5am already.

security came to wake him up later :)

6am. flex closing. turned the light on.


more awww

outside the flex 6:30am people still making party ?

more people

and more

servas !

more awww

this dude is tocotronic !


really cool guyzzz you know the cool ones right ?

ah. he was still there. almost forgot ! must have been 6:45am already

i dunno...

sebastian and schlingensief ! what a couple

baby vs. footballplayer :D

we didn't go home. no we decided to go to a cafe to have breakfast. maybe the best egg i've ever eaten, mainly because i was fucked up completely. got home at 7:30 then.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, this must be one of your better entries I think. If not the best. I wanted to list the shots I really like, but they're too much. Good stuff, really. Just casual shots of hanging (or falling, hahahaha those shots of Sebas) with friends.
And the glowing shoe thing... I got the same, I'm dragging them through the mud too, haha.
I'm smiling here - good entry!

Lourens said...

All these are insane!! is my fav...

Anonymous said...

Good to see you are partying hard!
P.s. shit yes about the new shoes thing. Memories of dragging converse through the mud are coming back to me..

recycled android said...

awesome entry man!

Tomé Duarte said...

hahahaha! the kebab story with Sebastian is just too hilarious... the series of expressions... hahahha!

i wonder how did you meter for this one:

Anonymous said...

awesome pictures =)

poor sebastian. it's always a BIG, BIG mistake to order an kebap "extra hot" (although i tend to do this to, when i'm drunk... -.-)

the kebap-dudes always get that evil little grin when they ask you "are you sure?" after you ordered and then go and prepare the kebap for you... -.-

flipo said...

Inspirierend :P

Was nimmst bei dem APX100 für ne Zeit ?
Hab vorhin ein für 9:30min in xtol 1:1 gehabt..

sev said...


21C° xtol 1:1

Anonymous said...

Long post... good stuff ;)

simonbw said...

wiedermal unglaublich tolle bilder :D gar kein student? was denn, frag ich mich :P
und ja mit den schuhen, das is unglaublich nervig wemmas neu hat :P mein beileid haha

Sebastian said...

haha bled schaut er da am boden ;). lustiger eintrag, gfallt ma. würd gern wissen was da los war

aja ausgehn is halt schon nett.

und mit studieren is aus und vorbei, rekrut.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap. That post was huge.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome. Mamoth entry. Love the summicron vignette and the trix at 1600 contrast.
Seems like a few awesome nights

Anonymous said...

You and cweeks influences on me finally ended in an M6 arriving at my door a week or two ago. I love almost everything about it. Two things I don't like though - I have 40mm cron and it has no framelines but also metering in low light is pathetic. Just wondering how you metered for the cigarette lighting one. I've used unmetered cameras before quite a lot so i can guess exposure but i thought you might've discovered a secret to the Leica camera. Greeeaat entry though - made up for your relative stagnance of late.

Unknown said...

Lol, this made me laugh hard :
"poor people that smoke look like him !"

Great entry Severin. :)

Anonymous said...

uhm - if you don't mind, i added you to the fotoblog-blogroll on my blog... (if you mind, feel free to tell me ;-) )

travis blanston said...

Sebastian Suicide = MONEY SHOT