Sunday, October 15, 2006

beside the more or less classic portraits, i've focused also on elements that symbolize human appearance and the most obvious was the radiostation. so i collected those i found.

it soon was clear to me that there were no women except the secretary, which does not stand for a special profession of a power plant in this case, so was not added to the portrait series, were not existing. there was no woman working in the plant directly so to say. the only appearance of women were pin up calendars. so i collected a few of them and still avoided to be striking.

please keep in mind that these images are plain previews and that on a print you'll see more detail of course.

during my stay, i've also realized some "secure initiatives", mostly in form of posters. i've just added three to the series, because the contrast is stronger then. the oldest i found and first in the series must be from the mid 70ys and the newsest is just a few years old. it was intresting to study the difference in style and message. they are quite offensive and straigh. it's german language of course.


Anonymous said...

ein paar der stills finde ich wirklich gelungen, aber insgesamt sinds zuviele fuer meinen geschmack. ich wuerd nur ein paar rausnehmen und sie wirklich nur als stuetze zu den anderen portraits packen.

zu denen nur sind ein paar gute dabei, aber insgesamt bin ich etwas enttaeuscht. in deinen stills tauchen viele gute orte auf, ich haette irgendwie versucht das zu kombinieren. naja, du machst das schon.

uebrigens nichts gegen die wahl der leica, aber ich finde gerade bei so stills und portraets waere die hasselblad wirklich besser gewesen und bei 3 tagen zeit ist auch zeit genug fuer mf da.

lg ailine

Anonymous said...

Very good. I find those series better than the portraits serie actualy. I like those series because it shows boths the reality... and your reality (your point of view of the reality, your personal project). and that's my definition of photography.
You are getting very better these days.
keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Thats a really nice take on the project. It's interesting to note the patterns you find emerging in a place like this. People fall into behavioural habits which are hard to shake. Sometimes stereotypes really are true!

Great shots as always man, keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

Hi Severin, gute Fotos. Die Idee Radios, Poster und andere Regelmäßigkeiten in der Arbeitsumgebung zu fotografieren gefällt mir.

Hier noch der Link zu den Fotos von Alec Soth von denen ich damals gesprochen habe, ist zwar kein Kraftwerk sondern eine Fabrik und deswegen nur begrenzt vergleichbar mit deinem Projekt aber vielleicht interessiert es dich trotzdem: Making Parts.

Und dein erstes Portrait hat mich irgendwie an dieses Foto (auch von Soth) erinnert. ;-)